The first of many roadside attractions and the first time this year I saw a buck on the side of road. I tried to entice him over to the car with a Cliff Bar but he was having none of that.
The Tiorati Brook was moving much faster that it usually is this time of year, a spring flow with autumn colors.
The sky was more cloudy than sunny and I sat at the north end of Lake Tiorati for about an hour watching circles and ovals of sunshine racing across the lake. Finally the sun fell on the view I wanted to capture.
Much of the Seven Lakes Parkway is still closed as the park recovers from the beating received from Tropical Storm Irene but I did get to one end of Lake Kanawauke.
I don't think they close for the season but Baker Camp seemed to have gone to sleep, no more summer sounds on the lakes.
A row boat waiting for the next season of summer on the lake.
Lake Sebago in the late afternoon sun.
Reeves Brook with the sun sinking low. To get this angle I had to lay down on the bridge and shoot through the rails. While I was shooting the Park Police stopped by, pulled up beside me to check and see if I was dead!
And finally, the Reeves Meadow that is just about where the Seven Lakes Drive Begins. The meadow is all out of color for the season and taking on earth tones before becoming a snow scene soon.
It was an excellent day for a drive.